A cherry wood bowl, 186 mm round at its widest, 47mm high to the rim, and 35 mm deep, is finished on the inside with oil-wax. The exterior, coved with a round nose shear scraper, has a milk paint finish of red over black.

A cherry wood bowl, 186 mm round at its widest, 47mm high to the rim, and 35 mm deep, is finished on the inside with oil-wax. The exterior, coved with a round nose shear scraper, has a milk paint finish of red over black.
This bowl is 47mm high at rim and 35 mm deep at its center, with 186 mm diameter at the rim.
An arc, revealed during turning, appears at the back of the bowl. The interior of the bowl is finished with oil and wax.
The exterior of the bowl is milk paint, red over a black undercoat.